
Cabo Fishing Report


What’s Biting in Cabo San Lucas ?
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Fishing on the EL BUDSTER


Excellent Day!!! eight good size DORADO were caught. they also caught a ROOSTERFISH and a JACKRABELL . The wáter temp. was 72-73 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here 12516468_928894220562962_1831275621_n12674133_928894193896298_1923017037_n12527848_928894357229615_2097724102_n

Fishing on the EL BUDSTER


Good Day of fishing!!! One BLUE MARLIN was caught. It was attracted and caught on a Spearhead Lure ( Blue / Pink ) The fighting time was 1 hr 15 minutes. They also caught a DORADO The wáter temp. was 70-71 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here 12380358_928894157229635_1556572437_n12674353_928894273896290_601490483_n

Fishing on the EL BUDSTER


Fantastic Day!!! One STRIPED MARLIN was released. It was caught on the live Pacific Mackeral. The fighting time was 35 minutes. They also caught two nice DORADO The wáter temp. was 70-71 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here 12516481_928894137229637_1294234351_n12527875_928894087229642_765857218_n12443208_928894070562977_594107174_n

Fishing on the ELL BUDSTER PRIDE


One STRIPED MARLIN was caught. Unfortunly we could not do anything for reléase this fish. It was caught on tthe rigged Bigeye Caballito. The figthing time was 25 minutes. The wáter temp. was 70-72 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here 12512048_795144757275570_1058332955_n12498433_795144750608904_803246471_n

Fishing on the EL BUDSTER


Other Nice Day! One STRIPED MARLIN was released. It was caught on the live Pacific Mackeral. The Fighting time was 40 minute. The wáter temp. was  70-72 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here 12721741_928893977229653_703130978_n12498485_928893983896319_544744381_n

Fishing on the EL BUDSTER PRIDE


Good catch!!! One STRIPED MARLIN was released . It was caught on a  Black Bart Lure ( SUPER PRO JET / Geen  / Yellow ) The fighting time was 30 minutes. They also caught a 20 lb. DORADO for the dinner. The wáter temp. was 70-72 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here 12506492_794584053998307_675763233_n12511934_794584173998295_695731401_n

Fishing on the EL BUDSTER


Other  good Day!!! One STRIPED MARLIN was releaased. It was caught on the live Pacific Mackeral. The fighting time was 35 minutes. They also caught two nice DORADO The wáter temp. was 71-73 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here 12788146_920073581445026_215138095_n12834477_920073591445025_1329517377_n

Fishing on the EL BUDSTER PRIDE


Great Day!!! one PACIFIC SAILFISH was released. It was  caught on the live Pacific Mackeral. The fighting time was 25 minutes. The wáter tep. was 71-72 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here 12498601_794151220708257_859691486_n12515981_794151207374925_753951993_n