Cabo Fishing Report
What’s Biting in Cabo San Lucas ?
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Fishing on the EL BUDSTER PRIDE
The Wade Parker party from Boise, ID after fishing for few hours finally caught a 15 lb. DORADO for the dinner. It was caught on the Lighthouse Reef. The wáter temp. was 84 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here
Fishing on the EL BUDSTER PRIDE
The Wade Parker party from Boise, ID catches and reléases a 70 lb PACIFIC SAILFISH and a 120 lb. STRIPED MARLIN one Billfish was attracted by a Spearhead Lure and caught it on the live Bigeye Caballito and the other Billfish was attracted and caught by a rigged Bigeye Caballito. The fighting time were 25 and 35 minutes. They were caught at the 95 Reef. The wáter temp. was 84 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here
Fishing on the EL BUDSTER PRIDE
Christopher Barnett from Granite Bay, CA catches and releases a 130 lb STRIPED MARLIN It was attracted and caught by the live Bigeye Caballito. The fighting time was 35 minutes. This fish was caught on the Lighthouse Reef. The wáter temp. was 82-83 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here
Fishing on the ELBUDSTER
Mike Carter party from Big Bear Lake, CA catches six YELLOWFIN TUNA ( 15 lb. to 25 lb. ) They also caught a 30 lb. WAHOO. The fish was caught 16 miles from Cabo. The wáter temp was 82-83 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here
Fishing on the EL BUDSTER PRIDE
Jimmy Harras party from Caracas, Venezuela catches and releases a 70 lb. PACIFIC SAILFISH It was attracted and caught on the rigged Ballihoo. The fighting time was 25 minutes. The fish was caught on the Lighthouse Reef . The wáter temp. was 81-82 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here
Fishing on the EL BUDSTER
Tim Jordan party from Escondido, CA catches and releases a 100 lb. STRIPED MARLIN It was attracted and caught by the live Bigeye Caballito. The fighting time was 25 minutes. They also caught a 30 lb. WAHOO The fish were caught 12 to 14 miles from Cabo. The wáter temp. was 83 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here
Fishing on the EL BUDSTER PRIDE
Lorne Knoultor from Alberta, CAN holding his 45 lb. DORADO It was caught on a BLACK BART lure ( DORADO CANDY / Green ) It was caught 14 miles from Cabo. The wáter temp. was 82 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here
Fishing on the EL BUDSTER PRIDE
Rob Cyr and his Son from Lockport, MB catches and releases a 120 lb STRIPED MARLIN It was attracted by a BLACK BART lure ( CABO PROWLER / Petrolero ) and caught on the live Bigeye Caballito. The fighting time was 35 minutes. They also caught a 20 lb. DORADO. The fish were caught on the 11-50 Reef. The wáter temp. was 83-84 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here