Cabo Fishing Report
What’s Biting in Cabo San Lucas ?
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Fishing on the World Famous EL BUDSTER
The Arnold Larson party caught two 25 lb. YELLOWFIN TUNA and a 30 lb. DORADO All the fish were caught 16 to 18 miles from Cabo The water temp. was 71-73 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here.
Fishing on the World Famous EL BUDSTER
The Scott Schwiesow party from Manning IA, catches and releases a 130 lb STRIPED MARLIN It was attracted and caught on the live Pacific Mackeral. The fighting time was 35 minutes. They also caught a 60 lb. MAKO SHARK All the fish were caught 14 to 16 miles from Cabo The water temp. was 71-73 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here.
Fishing on the World Famous EL BUDSTER
The Pat Chemodorow party from Puyallup WA catches and releases three STRIPED MARLIN ( 140 lb. 120 lb. and 130 lb. ) They were attracted and caught on the live Pacific Mackeral. The fighting time were 35 to 45 minutes All the fish were caught on the Golden Gate Reef The water temp. was 71-72 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here.
Back fishing on the World Famous EL BUDSTER
The Michael Kovach party from Oscoda, MI catches and releases two STRIPED MARLIN ( 130 lb. and 140 lb ) They were attracted and caught on the live Pacific Mackeral. The fighting time were 35 to 40 minutes. They also caught a 140 lb. THRESHER SHARK All the fish were caught on the Golden Gate Reff The water temperature was 71-73 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here.
Fishing on the World Famous EL BUDSTER
The David Gass party from Spokane, WA catches and releases a 120 lb. STRIPED MARLIN. It was attracted on the BLACK BART LURE ( CABO PROWLER / Green / Yellow ) and caught on the live Pacific Mackeral. The fighting time was 35 minutes. They also caught two 25 lb. YELLOWTAIL and two 5 lb. SIERRAS All the fish were caught 14 to 16 miles from Cabo The water temp. was 73-74 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here.
Fishing on the World Famous EL BUDSTER
Mr. Eberhardt from Germany catches and releases a 140 lb. STRIPED MARLIN It was attracted by a BLACK BART LURE ( TAITHIAN PROWLER / Blue / Pink ) and caught on the live Pacific Mackeral. The figthing time was 45 minutes. It was caught 16 miles out from Cabo The water temp. was 73-74 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here.
Fishing on the World Famous EL BUDSTER
Brandon Flood from Royal Oak, MI catches four YELLOWTAIL ( 20 lb. to 25 lb. ) He also caught four SIERRA ( 4 lb. to 5 lb. ) All the fish were caught by the Los Cabos Arches The water temp. was 74-75 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here.
Fishing on the World Famous EL BUDSTER
Stacy Melnychak and Jessica Patterson from B.C, CANADA catches and releases a 130 lb. STRIPED MARLIN. It was attracted and caught on the live Pacific Mackeral. The fighting time was 40 minutes. It was caught 16 to 18 miles from Cabo The water temp. was 74-75 degrees. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 712 790-1991 (US) / 011-52-1-624-125-4697 (Mexico) or click here.